The API method currently maintained by twitter can be organize into the following group based on what they are used for :
Publishing : this include changing the content published to twitter.
The information stream : This include retrieving and managing content publish to twitter .
The follow network : this include managing the people that follw a user and whom a user is following.
Communication: this involve exchanging the direct message with other member
Member account: dealing with twitter account
Administration: it negotiates access to twitter API.
Search: involves looking for key words in twitter achieves
This method can be us to publish content or remove it from twitter information system.
Post a tweet : this method adds a tweet to information stream for authenticared users . This is an update of a current member’s status:
to make this URL function authentication is requested. since it requires a change to the service data base , the POST method is is required to encapsulate the parameter data. When a posting of a tweet is successful, twitter returns XML containing information about the new update.
Delete a tweet: status update can be deleted after being posted. However , it can only be successful if the authenticated is also the author of the update to be removed.
The id parameter is required to identify to which specific character update is to be deleted or destroyed. If the request is successful , twitter returns the status object information.
The information stream of twitter: the collection of publish tweets create a flow of information in twitter . There is a public time line of update fed by all account that are not configured to be private and are therefore available for anyone to take a look at..
- Show a tweet : this helps to view details for a single status update.
this can be changed to json by editing the URL and changing the .xml to .json.
Authentication is not required as long as the tweet is public. Authentication is required if the post is from a private authors.
View the public time line
This method returns 20 most recent status update from public account in twitter. Authentication is not needed.
View a friend time line:
A method of API to access recent tweet from a specific user. A friend time line method returns 20 most recent status update posted by authenticated user and the author that a user follows.
a successful request returns XML that is the same with the data returned by the view the public time line method. There are several optional parameters that can be used to filter the data that is returned. Three of this parameter are since, since_id, count. These will change the number of returned id by cutting out the older tweet. The since_id parameter identifies a specific status ID. The count parameter shows the number recent tweets to show.
View an individual time line
This stream contain tweet that was published by a single author. it returns 20 most recent status update by authenticated user.
Authentication is needed for this method.
View replies
Replies are status update that reference twitter member.
View favorite
This returns 20 most recent favorite statuses for the authenticated users.
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